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TB LAMP is a manual molecular test to detect Mycobacterium Tuberculosis complex (MTBC).
It takes less than 1.5 hours to perform, requires minimal instrument in the form of a heating block, and generates a fluorescent result that can be detected with the naked eye.
Additionally, it has the potential for higher throughput as it can test up to 14 samples per test run (max. 70 samples per day). TB LAMP which is a simple, accurate, robust and affordable test, has been developed for use in high burden and resource limited settings.
TB-LAMP is ideally suited to make a credible impact onto the TB burden.
Rapid: First report (max. 14 sample) comes within 1.5 hours
Simple: All in one platform for extraction and detection. TB LAMP Operation >
Performance & Impact: WHO endorsed TB LAMP as a replacement of smear microscopy. Also about 100 papers are published. LAMP Publication list >
Scalable: TB LAMP is designed for medical care in remote rural areas
Cost-effective: Cost of TB-LAMP is $ 6 (WHO target price). Announcement from Stop TB Partnership >
Sputum smear microscopy was a good solution; inexpensive and simple, quickly and easily.
However, the sensitivity is only about 50-60%.
TB-LAMP has some merits that cover that point:
Active Case Finding: Chest X-Ray + TB LAMP = Better Detection Rate
High sensitivity: Find more missing patients with TB
Turn Around Time: 70 samples/day & max. 14 samples/run
Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (CB-NAAT) is a molecular technique that is used for detection of the presence of TB bacteria as well as testing for resistance to the drug Rifampicin.
TB-LAMP has some merits that can be compared with CB-NAAT:
Turn Around Time: 70 samples/day & max. 14 samples/run
Sample Volume: Only 60μl of sputum to perform TB-LAMP
If you have any question about using TB products, please refer to FAQ about TB LAMP. *This link will direct you to a website of HUMAN Gesellschaft für Biochemica und Diagnostica mbH (our distributor of TB products) .