Message from the CEO

EIKEN CHEMICAL was founded in 1939, and we have contributed to public health and the control of communicable diseases in Japan ever since through the development of bacteria examination reagents (culture media) for infectious diseases. In various fields such as urinalysis, clinical chemistry, immunological, serological, and genetic examinations, we have developed the clinical examination reagents, medical equipment, and systems needed for medical care in each successive era, contributing to the advancement of medical care and improvement of people’s health.  Our fecal immunochemical test reagents and equipment for colorectal cancer screening examinations, which are now used extensively not only in Japan but also a wide range of other countries all over the world, have made especially large contributions to early detection and reduced mortality for this disease.   

Regarding the business environment surrounding EIKEN CHEMICAL, the promotion of regional comprehensive care systems is expected to progress in Japan due to factors such as diversification of medical care and nursing needs in the medical environment caused by the aging society. Overseas, developed countries have an increasing need for efficiency to keep medical costs under control, and preventive care is expanding as well. Developing countries are seeking to establish and maintain medical infrastructure to suit their increasing populations and progressing economic development. In both types of countries, the role of clinical diagnostics is becoming increasingly important.   
EIKEN CHEMICAL  has established a new management framework known as  "EIKEN ROAD MAP 2030" based on the principles of the “EIKEN WAY.” We aim to continue protecting people’s health as a global clinical diagnostics company, by realizing the ideal state in 2030.


President & CEO
Tsugunori Notomi