
Employee Engagement and Personnel Training

The Eiken Group protects the health of the public through health care services. Guided by this management philosophy, we provide products and services that protect the health and lives of people around the world. Our most vital assets for contributing to society in this way are our employees. We regard our employees not as human resources but as precious human assets.

The future of the Eiken Group will be built by its employees. By expanding the possibilities for our employees, we expand the possibilities for our Group companies, thereby contributing to our own growth and to society. With this aim in mind, the Group and its employees are working as a team to build an environment in which everyone can focus on high-value-added work and a framework that earns high praise for thriving on the challenges of creative work.

Creating fulfilling and supportive workplaces and achieving work-life balance

Employees are a company’s greatest assets. A company whose employees are in poor health cannot prosper. For the achievement of Eiken Chemical’s mission to protect the health of people worldwide, eliciting the best possible performance from its people is indispensable. By fostering a climate in which both employees and the Company can grow, providing a forum for creativity and tackling challenges, Eiken Chemical aims to cultivate people with the talents to create fresh innovations.

Eliminating employment mismatches

Eliminating employment mismatches

Eiken Chemical is promoting activities for new graduate hires with a low rate mis-matching and the creation of a workplace environment where all employees can do meaningful work regardless of the amount of time they’ve spent at the Company. In recent years, our turnover rate is around 1%.

Improving employee satisfaction

Improving employee satisfaction

Eiken Chemical cultivates people through its Skill Development Vision and supports varied workstyles through a wide variety of programs. Going forward, the Company plans to conduct employee satisfaction surveys and analyze the results, so that it can improve working conditions and environments and boost motivation.

In-house award system

In-house award system

Eiken Chemical has established an Awards Committee, chaired by the president and CEO. The work of this Committee celebrates the distinguished service of employees who walked the extra mile to build the Company’s business, thereby lifting morale, energizing the Company’s organization and boosting productivity.

Awards for Meritorious Service To honor employees for distinguished service, Eiken Chemical offers three types of commendation, based on the degree of impact of the meritorious service.
Once a year: Tsuyoshi Kurozumi Award, President’s Award and Division Manager’s Award
Awards for meritorious service are deliberated and decided by the Awards Committee. Awardees receive award money for their meritorious service and hard work and the details are announced in-house.
Awards for Outstanding Proposals To encourage beneficial proposals and energize the organization, the Company bestows awards on employees for outstanding proposals. Such proposals may improve work efficiency, improve safety, preserve the environment or otherwise benefit the Company and society. The Annual Superior Proposal Award is deliberated and decided by the Awards Committee. Awardees receive award money for their meritorious proposals and the details are announced in-house.

Achieving Work-Life Balance

Promoting Diverse Workstyles

Eiken Chemical recognizes that enabling employees to work continuously in ways that suit their individual lifestyles frees them to apply their capabilities to best effect. To this end, the Company has introduced a variety of programs to enhance diversity of workstyles. By creating an environment in which employees can schedule leave time in a planned manner and reduce overtime, and by raising awareness of work-life balance, the Company is striving to reduce total work hours.

Encouraging employees to take leave (to a maximum of 128 days off per year) Eiken Chemical encourages employees to take paid leave, through a number of plans. These include simultaneous annual paid vacation; annual paid vacation taken in units of half a day; and ”refreshment" leave provided when employees turn 35, 45 and 55 years of age. In addition, transfer leave is offered when employees transfer to a new post.
Designation of no-overtime days Friday is designated as a no-overtime day at all locations.
“Super flex time” for all job categories Super flex time is applied to all job categories. This arrangement allows employees to work as little as three hours per day, with no core work time, furnishing employees with a flexible work environment.
Use of ICT to reduce long work hours Eiken Chemical has introduced an ICT system that automatically shuts down PCs if an employee works longer than from 7 AM to 9 PM. This approach reduces long work hours and focuses employees’ attention on adopting high-productivity work practices in the limited work time available. (If an employee must unavoidably work long hours, advance request to and permission from a supervisor is required.)
Introduction of telework All employees except those in the probation period and the like can telework up to two days a week or eight days a month. They can even telework part of the day and come into the office for the rest of the day. (Under some conditions, such as to prevent the spread of infectious disease, employees can telework more than two days per week.) Employees can also apply flex time with no core time concurrently with the telework program.
  Results for FY2023 Target for FY2024 Target for FY2030
Total actual work hours per full-time employee per year ※ 1,864h 1,870h 1,635h
Rate of uptake of annual paid leave per full-time employee 67.3% 65.0% 100%

※ No. scheduled work hours + no. non-scheduled work hours – annual paid leave and other paid leave

Balancing Work with Childcare and Nursing-Care

Eiken Chemical is improving and creating a wide range of programs to make it easier for employees to raise children or care for family members. These programs support employees in continuing their employment and making best use of employee benefits. Our aim is to create workplaces where employees can apply their skills to maximum effect while caring for children and elders with peace of mind.

  • Leave ProgramsEmployees raising a small child can take leave until the child is two years of age. For nursing-care, employees can take leave up to three times, to a maximum of 93 days per family member cared for.
  • Shortened
    work hours
    In the case of childcare, it can be taken up to the third grade of elementary school, and in the case of nursing care, it can be taken for a period of up to five years.
  • Special
    childbirth leave
    Male employees whose spouse has given birth are granted five days’ special paid leave. When a male employee submits notification of the childbirth, the Personnel and General Affairs Division advises the male employee individually about leave and other related matters.
  Results for FY2023 Target for FY2024 Target for FY2030
Rate of uptake of child-rearing leave (female) 1 100% 100% 100%
Rate of uptake of child-rearing leave (male)  2 90.0% 100% 100%

1  Denominator: Number of female employees who gave birth during the fiscal year; Numerator: Number of female employees who took childcare leave during the fiscal year (Depending on the time of childbirth, employees who will take childcare leave in the following fiscal year are included, so the acquisition rate may exceed 100%.)
2 Denominator: Number of male employees whose spouse gave birth during the fiscal year;Numerator: Number of male employees who used our company's original leave program for parental leave and childcare during the fiscal year (Depending on when the spouse gave birth, employees who take childcare leave in the following fiscal year are included, so the acquisition rate may exceed 100%.)

Support for Building Wealth

For stable wealth-building by employees

To support employees in building wealth and to enhance medium-to-long term organizational motivation, the Company has introduced the following support programs.

Corporate pension Eiken Chemical adopts three types of corporate pension: Defined-benefit (DB), defined-contribution (DC) and the Tokyo Pharmaceutical Enterprise Pension Fund.
Wealth-building seminars To support stable wealth-building so that employees can provide for a comfortable retirement, the Company provides regular in-house education on investment.
Employee shareholding association To provide employees with comprehensive benefits and incentivize them to grow the business, the Company has created an employee shareholding association, which any employee can join regardless of position. In this program, the Company provides an incentive of 10% of the employee’s contribution.

Employee Career Paths

Skill Development Vision (The Type of Personnel We Need)

As the business environment dramatically changes, Eiken Chemical is accelerating its global deployment. To accomplish this task, the Company must train personnel to support this effort and create an environment that enables diverse personnel to leverage their capabilities to maximum effect. For this purpose, Eiken Chemical declares the following Skill Development Vision. We seek the following people:

  1. An independent and starting spirit

    Personnel who do not wait for instructions but judge for themselves what the workplace needs and take action on their own initiative

  2. A global mindset

    Personnel who can learn the necessary languages and express themselves clearly and logically to play active roles on global markets

  3. Deployment of specialized skills

    Professional personnel who have specialized skills in the operations, functions and technical fields in which they are engaged, continuously hone that specialization and can apply those skills at a high level of proficiency

  4. Leadership for innovation

    Personnel who can see a task to completion even when they can’t envision how it will turn out, confront their own weaknesses rather than be captured by conventional values, develop a diverse team of subordinates and lead their organization forward

Eiken Personnel Development

Eiken Chemical has personnel development programs that support employees from the day they join the Company to their emergence as a leader on the global stage. The aim of these programs is to cultivate the growth of the employee in a way that leads to growth for the Company.

  • Level-specific trainingThis training is provided throughout the Company, focusing on the mindset employees need to fulfill their roles at their managerial level.
  • EBPEiken Basic Program:his program cultivates the basic skills required of young employees and supports their growth.
  • EAPEiken Application Program:This program develops the skills in adapting to and handling challenges that employees will need in future management roles.
  • EGPEiken Global Program:This program provides backup for employees’ efforts to improve their English-language skills using a wide variety of learning formats (group training, online English conversation classes, smartphone apps, etc.).
  • Division-specific training:Division-specific training:These programs provide specialized education to impart the skills and knowledge employees will need in their Division.
  • Support systemsEiken Chemical supports employees in acquiring skills that can lead to career advancement, including self-development to polish one’s business skills, various proficiency tests, TOEIC, etc.
  • OtherThe Company offers a wide range of seminars and other training opportunities to impart the knowledge expected of an Eiken Chemical employee and to build wealth in the future.

Support for Skill Upgrading

Cultivating Personnel Suitable for Eiken as a Global Enterprise

To cultivate personnel who could take active roles on the global stage, Eiken Chemical developed the Eiken Global Program (EGP). This program provides employees with backup for strengthening their English-language skills according to their own needs, using a variety of learning formats including in-house seminars, English conversation classes, remote learning and smartphone apps. Participants can make use of assistance on TOEIC examination fees and online IP testing. Upon attaining a certain score level, employees can receive incentives of as much as ¥100,000. Through this program, Eiken Chemical advances the development of personnel who can contribute to the global development of the Eiken Group. Through these programs, Eiken Chemical aims to provide employees with personal growth that can lead to the growth of the Company.

Cultivation of R&D Personnel

In today’s era of relentless and rapid change, constant innovation is required of Eiken Chemical’s Research and Development Division. This Division provides researchers with a setting where they can tackle new fields of research without fear of failure. With “fusion of knowledge” as its guiding phrase, the Research and Development Division collaborates with partners in industry, government and academia, actively dispatching personnel to assignments in outside locations. Even working in-house, the Division’s researchers pursue self-starting working-group activities across the boundaries between disciplines, engaging in lively debate beyond the confines of their respective areas of specialization. Through these efforts, researchers pursue diversity, fusing the expertise of individuals possessing a wide range of skills, knowledge and experience, triggering breakthroughs and creating innovation.