About Us
Research and Development
<Eiken Chemical’s R&D consists of a Fundamental Research Division, Product Development Division, and Materials Development Division, along with the staff division which supports them. With fusion of knowledge as our keyword, each of these divisions cooperates with industry, government, and academia, and actively send personnel for a collaborative study. Within the R&D division, we promote working group activities across division lines, and activities such as the biannual research presentation event promote lively discussion among research employees.
Our main R&D facilities is the "R&D Center" at the Nogi Division, which consists of the north building, newly constructed in 2022, and the south building, renovated from the existing building, and connected by a bridge between the two. By concentrating most of our researchers in this R&D center, we aim to improve research efficiency and integrate knowledge.
R&D Center
143 Nogi, Nogi-Machi, Shimotsuga-Gun, Tochigi 329-0114, JAPAN
Panoramic view of the R&D Center
North Building -newly constructed in 2022-
"North Building" Introduction Movie