
Establishing Risk Management

Risk Management Policy

By accurately recognizing, evaluating and coping with the risks that can impede the enforcement of management philosophy or the improvement in the corporate value, EIKEN CHEMICAL shall fulfill the social responsibility as a company, and implement strengthening and improvement of its corporate governance system on the day to day basis.

  1. We will set and operate an “integrated risk management system” that exhaustively and comprehensively manages risks related to the business activities of the entire Group.
  2. We will extract, analyze, evaluate, and review risks, and strive to reduce risks and prevent them from occurring through sharing and appropriate risk management activities.
  3. In the unlikely event that a problem does occur, we will take prompt and accurate initial response and recovery measures to minimize losses and make improvements to prevent recurrence.
  4. We will ensure the safety and health of each employee and strive to preserve management resources.
  5. We will strive to improve the soundness and stabilization of management and improve the interests of stakeholders and social trust.

Information Security Policy

Through its clinical diagnostics business and food and environment testing business, the Eiken Group provides products and services which protect the health of the people of the world, and we also possess abundant information resources. Maintaining security for these information resources is essential for business continuity, and we consider it our social responsibility as well. As a protection policy for the Group’s information resources, we have defined an information security policy. We also make efforts to maintain and improve the confidentiality, completeness, and availability of these resources.

  1. Applicable scope

    This policy applies to all information resources related to the Group’s employees and work operations.

  2. Compliance with laws and ordinances

    We maintain compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances, national guidelines, and separately-defined internal regulations related to information security.

  3. Management of information resources

    We consider cyber-attacks and other fraudulent access to information systems to be a type of management risk and develop appropriate organizational, personal, physical, and technological safety management measures to ensure our information resources are managed safely and appropriately.

  4. Implementation of education and training

    We implement the education and training needed for each individual employee in an effective manner based on this policy.

  5. Continuous improvement

    We carry out information security risk evaluations and management condition monitoring and reviews regularly, making efforts for constant improvement.

Risk Management Systems and Risk Management Activities

The Eiken Group promulgates the Eiken Group Risk Management Regulations. On this basis, the Group establishes a Risk Management and Compliance Committee, as well as Risk Management and Compliance Promotion Committees in each workplace, which serve as executive bodies subordinate to the Committee. These bodies assess and manage risk.

  Results for FY2023 Target for FY2024 Target for FY2030
Number of education and training sessions on risk management activities 2 3 4

Business Continuity Management

Eiken Chemical set “protect the health of the public through health care services” as our management philosophy, and as a manufacturer providing important products and services for protecting the health and lives of people throughout the world, we recognize that maintaining a stable supply of these products and services is one of our top priorities. Accordingly, we have formulated a basic policy for business continuity management in order to improve response capabilities and fulfill our social responsibility to provide products and services to our customers while maintaining the safety of our employees, their families, and residents of the local areas surrounding our facilities, even in the event of disasters which are a concern at our major business sites, such as a large-scale earthquake or other serious accident that may occur at our key business locations, or the spread of infectious diseases. We have developed a business continuity plan based on this policy and are actively carrying out business continuity activities.

Basic Policy for Business Continuity Management

  1. Human life comes first

    Respect for human life comes first, and the safety and daily life of workers and their families are our top priorities.

  2. Continuation of products and services

    Minimize material damages, restore operations within the goal recovery period, and attempt to continue provision of products and services.

  3. Quality management

    Always prioritize quality management, even in the event of a disaster and after recovery.

  4. Companies helping each other

    When emergency situations occur, make efforts to help other companies, such as by supplying products to those in the same industry.

  5. Business transaction morals

    Do not allow transaction payments to suppliers to be delayed, even in emergencies.

  6. Coexistence with local society

    Minimize the expansion of damages to local residents, confirm the condition of damages in the surroundings and the calming down of the situation, coordinate with residents, local government, and local companies to contribute to safety and recovery in the area. If a related industry calls for involvement in emergency support activities in the event of a disaster, proactively take part in a form appropriate for the business and make efforts to maximize the effectiveness of these activities.

  7. Continuous improvement

    Implement regular education and training, carry out inspection of the business continuity plan, clarify issues and strive for solutions, and make efforts to continually improve the Company’s handling ability related to business continuity.

In addition, we acquired the National Resilience Contributing Organization Certification (resilience certification) promoted by the Cabinet Secretariat National Resilience Promotion Office in March 2019 (for business continuity and social contribution). In the future as well, we will promote company-wide improvement activities related to business continuity, making efforts to continually improve disaster handling capabilities.

Continuous Improvement of Business Continuity Management

The performance of the Group could be severely affected by a variety of factors which could arise in the future. Recognizing the possibility of these risks occurring, the Group is working to prevent them and respond if they occur.

  Results for FY2023 Target for FY2024 Target for FY2030
Number of BCP(Business Continuity Plan) training sessions 2 1 2