
Environmental Management

As climate change and other global environmental problems become increasingly grave, the Eiken Group  operates a environmental management system, guided by its Environmental Policy, vigorously and continuously strives to reduce environmental impact and preserve the Earth’s environment.

Environment Policy

We have a sacred duty to protect the Earth’s environment and pass it on to the next generation.
The Eiken Group is comprised of two domains, the enterprise of clinical diagnosis, and the enterprise of food and environmental inspection. As a pioneer of diagnosis, we strive to provide products and services trusted by the customers, at the same time regarding preservation of earth environment as one of the most important problems of company management and actively addressing the environmental issues.

1The Eiken Group shall strive for reduction of its environmental impact through conservation of resources, energy conservation, reduction of waste and recycling in all of our business activities, starting with the research and development of our products, procurement of raw-materials, production, distribution, sales, use, and ending with disposal.

2The Eiken Group shall not only clearly define and strictly observe the laws and regulations, the ordinances, and the local agreements that are related to the environmental issues and apply to our company, but also as required prescribe voluntary standards of our own, and make a further effort for environmental preservation.

3The Eiken Group shall strive for continuous reduction of the environmental impact by creating and maintaining an environmental management system, establishing the environmental objectives and targets, ensuring that they are achieved, and performing regular revisions.

4To prevent pollution, the Eiken Group conducts continuous risk-reduction activities aimed at reducing waste generation and marine pollution from plastics. The Group undertakes a battery of activities to ensure sustainable use of energy, water and other resources. Our commitment to mitigating and responding to climate change includes supporting the transition to a carbon-free society. To contribute to a better near-term future, we strive to restore biodiversity and ecosystems. When environmental problems occur, we do our best to minimize environmental impact.

5The Eiken Group shall systematically and continuously provide information, conduct training and other educational activities concerning environmental preservation so that all of the employees can engage in their work duties highly conscious of the environmental issues.

6The Eiken Group shall make an effort to engage in appropriate communication with the society by disclosing the information regarding the measures aiming at grappling with the environmental problems.


The Eiken Group recognizes that efforts to preserve the environment are a materiality—an important management issue. For this reason, the Group has established a Sustainability Committee, chaired by the president and representative director, which sets environmental targets, frames action plans and manages progress on environmental action. To provide an organization for environmental management, the Group has created an Environmental Management Committee, consisting mainly of the environmental management officers from each location and chaired by an executive officer from the Business Management Division. The Environmental Management Committee prepares policy on environmental preservation activities, implements a posture for regularly reviewing the results of activities at each workplace based on targets while exchanging information,  and works to effect continuous improvement.

Environmental Management System

Eiken Chemical has a long and extensive track record of vigorous action on the environment. The Company obtained certification under ISO 14001, the international standard for environmental action, in 2010. To achieve its desired results on the environment, including improving environmental performance, Eiken Chemical not only complies with applicable laws, regulations and standards, but also uses ISO 14001 to respond to risks and opportunities, and applies the process approach and the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act). Each Company location establishes its own single-year plan, carrying out environmental activities as part of its business operations. Eiken Chemical checks progress and performance on plan implementation by receiving reports from each location and conducting internal audits, and the results of these checks are reflected in the drafting of the following fiscal year’s plan.


Applied Standard ISO14001:2015
Certification Body [Head Office ]
Administration, Sales of Testing Reagent and Diagnostic Equipment
Design and Debelopment of Diagnostic Equipment
[Nogi Plant]
Design, Developments, Production of Testing Reagent
[Nasu Plant]
Production of Testing Reagent
Certification Body TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH
Certification No. 12 104 26393 TMS
Valid until 2027-04-16

Environmental Education

Environmental Education for Employees

Eiken Chemical strives to improve environmental awareness year-round. Every June at Eiken Chemical is Environmental Month, when all employees take part in a wide range of training programs, tailored to each management level. These training programs provide opportunities for employees to consider what they as individuals can do for the environment. Activities include seminars elucidating environmental policy or striking aspects of the environment, presentations on the Company’s degree of achievement of environmental targets, and discussions of topics such as the current state of climate change, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and science-based targets (SBTs).

In addition, the Company newsletter publishes information related to environmental preservation, as a further means of raising employees’ environmental awareness.

Environmental Performance Data

Environmental Performance Data

Please see ESG data for our environmental performance data.

Third-Party Verification

To improve the reliability of our environmental performance data, we have obtained an independent third-party verification provided by ond Inc.