
Contributing to a Recycling-Oriented Society

The products and services of the Eiken Group are created using a wide variety of resources. Using the Earth’s limited resources efficiently and contributing to the realization of a sustainable and recycling-oriented society is a solemn duty of the Eiken Group. We are executing that duty relentlessly and with great determination.



Results foy FY2018
(Base year)

Results foy FY2023

Target for FY2024

Target for FY2030

Reduction of waste*1

Waste 0.47 t/¥100 million

Waste 0.38 t/¥100 million

(19% reduction
compared to FY2018)

5% reduction
(compared to FY2018)

15% reduction
(compared to FY2018)

Reduction of water use*2

Water use 0.51 1000cu. m/¥100million

Water use 0.38 1000cu. m/¥100million

(25% reduction
compared to FY2018)

30% reduction
(compared to FY2018)

35% reduction
(compared to FY2018)


*1  Reduction in the Eiken Group’s total amount of waste disposal per unit of net sales (t/¥100 million)
*2  Reduction in water consumption per unit of value produced at Eiken Group production sites (cu. m/¥100 million)


Results foy FY2021
(Base year)

Results foy FY2023

Target for FY2024

Target for FY2030

Rate of adoption of eco-friendly packaging (FSC)*1



(compared to FY2021)

(compared to FY2021)

Rate of adoption of biomass plastics and other eco-friendly materials*2



(compared to FY2021)

(compared to FY2021)


*1  Shipped basis (number of product codes using eco-friendly packaging/number of product codes shipped)
*2  Shipped basis (number of product codes using biomass plastics and other eco-friendly materials/number of product codes shipped)

Conservation of resources, reduction of waste, and recycling

To reduce its burden on the Earth’s environment, the Eiken Group reduces the volume of waste it generates to the furthest extent possible, pursues 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and reduces final disposal volume (waste that cannot be recycled).

Results of waste emissions and per units of net sales

Management and Processing of Toxic Substances and Waste

Toxic substances handled by Eiken Chemical include poisons and powerful medicines specified in the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act); poisonous and deleterious substances specified in the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Act; substances subject to mandatory labeling, substances subject to mandatory disclosure, specified chemical substances and organic solvents specified in the Industrial Safety and Health Act; and specified chemical substances specified in the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Act. In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, Eiken Chemical prepares procedural and instruction manuals for the management of toxic substances, notifies related persons of their availability and puts them to use. In this way the Company manages the handling, storage, labeling and management of inventories of said toxic substances, as well as response in cases of emergency. For all substances included in Eiken Chemical products that are subject to the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Act, Industrial Safety and Health Act and PRTR Act, Eiken Chemical publishes safety data sheets (SDSs) on its website.

With respect to the processing of industrial waste and general business waste generated in the course of its operations, Eiken Chemical prepares waste treatment manuals, notifies related persons of their availability and puts them to use, in accordance with the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law. In this way the Company appropriately sorts, collects and stores waste;  concludes outsourcing contracts with shipping and treatment operators; publishes and manages manifests; and otherwise acts in full compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Reduction of Plastic Packaging Materials and Use of Recyclable Materials

In recent years, a consensus has emerged that impact on ecosystems from plastic waste in the oceans is an urgent issue for the recycling field on a worldwide scale. The topic has been discussed in a variety of international forums, including the G20 and the United Nations. In Japan, plastic recycling strategies are being drawn up and a diverse range of efforts are under way to reduce the volume of plastic used. The Eiken Group, as part of its commitment to the materiality of contributing to a recycling society, will examine measures focusing on the “reduce” part of 3R, such as reducing the volume of packaging materials used and adopting bio-derived plastics for packaging. We are working to design products with reduced environmental impact, including reducing plastic waste volumes.


Eiken Chemical has instituted a Company-wide proposal program and puts great effort into canvassing proposals for environmental action, called “eco-proposals.” We launch a campaign every June, which is Environment Month at Eiken Chemical. Some proposals lead directly or indirectly to environmental activities, including the provision of energy-saving, resource-saving and eco-friendly products, while others aim to prevent pollution, enhance biodiversity and restore ecosystems, encourage wise choices, or raise awareness. In terms of results, the program has attracted nearly 300 proposals a year since FY2016. Particularly inspiring improvements include a modification to disposal methods for reagent cartridges that made them recyclable, reduced energy consumption in shipping of hazardous substances, introduction of sensors to save energy, reduction of paper consumption through computerization of workflows and questionnaire surveys, reusable disinfectant containers with pumps, encouraging truck drivers to turn off their engines when waiting, and saving energy by operating timers on blowers in wastewater plants.

Water Security

Effective Use of Water Resources

The Eiken Group uses waterworks and groundwater in the course of its operations. Water is an essential resource for all living things. Securing high-quality water is also vital for activities such as research and production.

The Group manages the volumes of water it consumes and wastewater it generates in operations at its main research and production sites (Nogi Plant, Nasu Plant and Eiken China Co., Ltd.). We conserve water to reduce water consumption and make effective use of our limited water resources.

Assessing Water Risk

The Eiken Group uses WRI Aqueduct*, which is recognized as a criterion by the CDP Water program, to understand which of its production sites are affected by water risk. Only Eiken China in Shanghai is subject to high water risk. In FY2020 this plant consumed 8,100 cu. m of water, accounting for roughly 10% of total Group water consumption. Although Eiken China is currently under no guidance or order from administrative authorities to reduce water consumption or improve the quality of its wastewater, Eiken Chemical is striving to protect water resources on its own initiative, continuously monitoring water usage volume in collaboration with Eiken China.
*A suite of tools developed by the World Resources Institute for assessing water risk

Meticulous Wastewater Management

Eiken Chemical conducts meticulous wastewater management and measures to eliminate leakage, to ensure that it does not pollute the water supply or groundwater. The Company complies strictly with environmental laws (such as the Water Pollution Prevention Act and the Sewerage Act), ordinances and agreements. To manage the wastewater it releases within environmental standards, the Company regularly measures indices such as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solids (SS) for confirmation. Eiken Chemical also confirms that its wastewater does not contain hazardous substances in excess of standards.

Other Activities (Biodiversity, etc.)

Participation in local environmental events

Eiken Chemical is participating as a volunteer in the "Willow and Japanese knotweed removal operation" held by Oyama City, Nogi Town, and others in Tochigi Prefecture. This event is an activity to protect native species, including endangered species, by removing non-native species of Salix leucopithecia and other plants in order to maintain the biodiversity of the Watarase Yusui Water Park, which is located near our Nogi Plant and is registered as a wetland under the Ramsar Convention. Through participation in environmental events such as this, we aim to contribute to the local community and raise awareness of biodiversity and ecosystem restoration as a social issue.

Weeding and Cleaning Activities

At the Nogi Division, staff participate in the cleaning of the entire industrial park as part of our regional contribution and environmental conservation activities. The Member of the Environmental Management Committee of the Office and General Affairs Section employees play a central role in the weeding and cleaning activities carried out in the ditches and roads around the division buildings each year.

At the Nasu Division, employees at the neighboring facilities and industrial park carry out cleaning activities for the surrounding roads and parks, as well as inside the division, as part of the environment month initiatives in June every year. Through these activities, the beauty of the surrounding environment is maintained and employees develop an increased awareness of environmental pollution prevention.