Analyst Coverage

Below is a list of the main analysts covering EIKEN.

Company Name Analyst
Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd. Yuki Yamazaki

*This table is based on information possessed by the Company as of this posting, and only information for which the owners have given consent is shown. For this reason, please be aware that there may be analysts the Company is unaware of or who are not listed here, and this table may not be a complete reflection of all applicable transfers and other changes in analysts.
*Both the analysts listed in this table and those not listed are analyzing aspects of the Company such as performance, business, and technologies or predicting future performance based on their own individual judgment. The Company and its management ranks do not contribute to this process in any way. In addition, the Company does not support or guarantee any predictions, opinions, recommendations, or other statements of these analysts.
*This table was created to notify the Company’s shareholders and investors of the analysts in charge of analyzing us and is not a solicitation for the purchase or sale of our stock.
*Please take responsibility for making the final decisions related to investment at your own discretion.